HBC Summit 1H
About Summit
Summit is our exciting new herd sire from Harcourt Charolais in Saskatchewan, Canada. He had outstanding performance, from an 82lb birth weight to 1,142 weight at 8 months of age, and 1,532 lb at a year of age. This February bull is out of a first calf heifer that is long and deep, with a great udder and big foot. His EPDs are top 25% of the breed for Birth Weight, top 10% for Weaning Weight, and top 15% for Yearling Weight. He had a scrotal measurement of 37cm at 12 months of age. Summit is a great outcross for any program!
Herd Sire Details
Calved: 2/1/2020
Registration Number: CAN# PMC794114
Sire: WCR Commissioner 593 P
Dam HBC Temptation 802F
Canadian EPDs: BW -0.9, WW 56, YW 101, Milk 21
Like What You See?
Semen is available on this outstanding herd sire. Contact Tom for details.